Friday, February 25, 2011

2001: BC - Tue, 1/2/01

What can I say about Gillian's dress except: BWAHAHAHAHAA!! What is that, a drawbridge bodice with a windsurfing sail across the hips (perhaps she expects to land in the moat)? Either that or her hatch has come loose.

LOVED Rain echoing what we've been asking about Wildwind all along: "I wonder how much it costs to heat this place!"

There are quite a few teens at the Crystal Ball -- so much for Erica's lame assertion that it's a party for adults only.

I always love it when the professional ballroom dancers start doing their thing! Of course, the 3 couples twirling around Ryan and Gillian in the first dance all appeared to be on crack, but I truly admire their sense of balance. Think any of them threw up after that scene? At the very least, I suspect visits to chiropractors for neck adjustments were in order.

Although Greenlee might poke one or both of her own eyes out with her bodice, she looks ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS in it!

I also liked Dixie's dress -- very elegant.

Dimitri is being exceptionally jovial for someone whose wife has been missing for over a month. Downright giddy, in fact. Weirdo.

Isn't there some sort of fire code about people drinking and setting everything on fire -- oh wait, that's the 4th of July. I could just hear a giant WOOSH as all the curtains went up in flames. It DID look like people were trying not to drink out of the candles, though.

Did anyone else imagine what the people were thinking during the "moment of silence" was "OUCH! This candle is hot! OWIE-OWIE-OWIE-OWIE-OWIE!!!"

They sure made a big deal out of Alex's work at the foundation, even though, as David pointed out, HE was the one who cured Dimitri. Are they the only two doctors who do research for the foundation? When?

Where is everyone supposed to put their candle until it's time to go home?

Hayley told her mother (in a soliloquy) that she (Hayley) was much worse than her (Arlene) because she killed her mother. That got me to thinking. Did Arlene kill HER mother? Maybe it DOES run in the family. How come we never hear about Hayley's grandparents. I can just imagine Arlene's mom tossing 'em back with a bunch of soldiers and singing "I'm the Boogie-Woogie Bugle Girl of Company B" :-)

That kiss between David and Dixie was SO HOT! I couldn't help but think: "Are those the same earrings Bianca took off?" (no)

That was quite an arm-rub Mateo gave Hayley -- apparently her sleeves are miked.

Leo dropped his keys in Greenlee's cell and couldn't pay for accommodations at the Valley Inn. Where did he stay last night and where did he get the tux?

Except for the Martian-antenna doodad on her head (interesting timing with Ray Walston's death), Opal looks almost demure. Wait a sec -- are those 1950's curtain fluffballs all over her jacket? Never mind.

I am shocked, SHOCKED, I tell you -- Hayley is NOT wearing a skimpy handkerchief, low-slung skirt combo, and most of her hair is actually in the vicinity of her head -- why she is positively modest! Must be that pregnancy thing.

Adam can't promise Liza they'll always be as happy as they are right now -- THANK GOD! I can only hope to imagine even a tiny bit how deliriously happy they must be given that Hayley just killed her mother and Adam dumped the body overboard and they were just talking about it 3 seconds ago.

LOVED Tad's response to Gillian's definition of the turret: "I know what it IS, I just can't believe you HAVE one!"

Where is the Fidelity docked, in the fountain in front of the Valley Inn? The pond outside the terrace? It certainly is conveniently located! Of course, as soon as I typed that question, Greenlee gave directions, including the Expressway.

If Wildwind has turrets, mausoleums, wells and horses, why don't they have bloodhounds baying at the moon (or birds or whatever)! They could at LEAST have a basset hound for ambience!

Robin "who provides her own baying ambience (they don't call me a bitch for nothing)" Coutellier

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