Tuesday, February 22, 2011

2000: BC - Wed, 9/6/00

Ryan tells Gillian to keep a strong, steady hand on the wound in Jake's back. She keeps a pulsating pressure on it for a few seconds (which probably stimulated even MORE blood flow), then takes his hand to talk to him, looking in horror at her other bloody hand, then continues to hold Jake's hand with BOTH of her hands. What part of "strong, steady hand" did she not understand? And they still let her volunteer at the hospital? I'm surprised she doesn't unhook ventilators because they look uncomfortable.

If the meeting with Vanessa and Wade at the Valley Inn is so crucial, and Vanessa hasn't shown up yet, why doesn't Leo just call her little red bucket?

I know Greenlee is pissed at Ryan right now, but how is trashing her GRANDFATHER'S investment by telling people it's going down the tubes really going to help things?

Jake finally regains consciousness through the sheer force of Ryan yelling at him to wake up and tell them what to do. Ryan: "FIRST JUST TELL ME HOW I CAN HELP YOU!!" Jake: "FIRST, YOU CAN STOP F**KING MY _WIFE_!!!!"

Leo to Vanessa after seeing her hand over a rare (presumably Faberge) jeweled egg to run a tab at the bar (like the bartender would know it's value -- as far as HE knows she bought it for $1.59 at McFrugals): "Vanessa, did you STEAL that?" Vanessa: "No, Leo, of course, I LAID it." ROTFLMAOPIMP!!!

Oooh, looks like Vanessa is going to try and wheedle a little sugah out of Wade before this deal is done!

Naturally, Vanessa, Leo and Greenlee can't wait 3 seconds to gloat OUT LOUD about how they are conning Wade. Idiots!

Gillian tells Jake that Colby catches minnows with her bare hands at Miller's Pond. Then she KISSES them and lets them go. I wonder who is better at separating reality from fantasy, Gillian or Colby?

Wade happened to overhear Leo and Greenlee laugh at how they are fooling him. Do you think this will make them think twice about opening their yaps where they can be overheard seconds after conning someone? Nah.

The scenes with Stuart and Marian were GREAT! I'm so glad they didn't drag out his return! Of course, that doesn't mean they won't drag it out for OTHER people finding out about him (like Adam), but somehow I don't think that will happen this time. I can't wait for the scene when Adam sees Stuart!

Robin "I hope this doesn't mean Arlene leaves town although she will surely have to leave the Chandler estate" Coutellier

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