Wednesday, February 23, 2011

2000: BC - Tue-Thu, 10/24-26/00

Who is wearing more eye makeup, Hayley or Mateo?

When Dixie gushed about how excited she was about joining David's research project and talked about this is giving her life direction, etc., how many of you realized, with dawning horror, that it's quite possible that Dixie might decide to become a doctor? AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!

Wow, Colby's little outfit just does wonders for her -- why she looks like a whole new baby! ;-)

I have just been HOWLING with laughter at Erica's delusional behavior regarding the Young Couple of Enchantment! I feel for Bianca's predicament, of course, but this just CRACKED ME UP! She's was worried about her reputation being ruined when she narrowly escaped having a porn star as their Young Miss Enchantment, so she decides that Bianca [who didn't see THAT one coming the second the concept was broached?] and Leo are perfect, never stopping for even a split-second to think about the nepotism aspect of having her daughter and her houseguest be "chosen" to represent Enchantment.

Doesn't Jake have an office to be alone in? Gee, I wonder how this scenario could POSSIBLY play out? Hmmmm, Jake takes a medication/hormone/magic pill that makes him violently lusty (not to mention hungry) -- I can't imagine whom he would attack, should the urge strike ...

LOVED the comments about Arlene making love to the surveillance cameras in the bedroom, especially Vanessa's! Arlene: "... that tape has screwed my last chance with Adam!" Vanessa: "I'm afraid it's done a little bit more than that, dear. It apparently not only figuratively, but LITERALLY has screwed you!" ROTFLMAO!!!!

Robin "say CHEESE!" Coutellier

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