Tuesday, February 22, 2011

2000: BC - Mon, 9/18/00

I see extra long hair (just add water) is all the rage this season. Both Erica and Hayley are wearing falls (or whatever they call them these days). Either that or their respective heads of hair grew 2 feet since in the space of about an hour (not necessarily impossible in PV -- Opal sells a special shampoo with a secret ingredient (Miracle Grow).

Edmund wants the press to think everything is copacetic, but he's walking around with such a boulder on his shoulder and he's got such a nasty attitude that I can't imagine how anyone would think everything is "fine" with the Tension Trio!

Did I miss something? People are leaving the party and talking about leaving the party all of 10-15 minutes after it STARTS!

Why is Junior at the party, but not Tad and Dixie?

When O-Town started to sing, did you catch the guy in the audience off to the far left? All of the sudden he goes from relaxed standing to some majorly spastic moves to the left for a couple of seconds, then goes back to simple standing mode -- his upper torso must have moved 4 feet! If I were a guest at the party, I would seriously wonder if he forgot to take his meds today.

A mortified Bianca (after Ashley Angel asks her to dance) flees through the lobby like a gazelle with a lion at her heels; Leo and Greenlee are there talking, and they don't even look in her direction, let alone HELP her -- St. Bernard, indeed!

If Gillian doesn't stop making that scrunched-up face, she's going to have some deep grooves between her eyebrows by the time she's 30.

Robin "shake your groove thang" Coutellier

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