Tuesday, February 22, 2011

2000: BC - Tue, 9/5/00

What's with all the bananas in the fruit bowl in Erica's living room? Are they just for a couple of hours of curb appeal, because they'll be blacking in the next 1/2 hour or so. Is Erica expecting a gaggle of chimpanzees for afternoon tea?

Gillian told Jake Colby was fine and getting bigger all the time. ROTFL!!! Colby is getting smaller and YOUNGER by the day! They should really have her checked out by an experienced endocrinologist.

All right, I was going to let Adrian's first "EX-cape" go, but at the 2nd one, all bets were off (that's when all the Chechen children (none of whom speak English) chimed in "that's pronounced "ESS-cape"!) Adrian informs Jake and Ryan that there's a bombing raid scheduled for their area that night -- correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't bombs ALREADY dropping right, left, up, down and around? After Jake leaves the room, Adrian demands to know from R&G that they DID NOT tell Jake that that Gillian wants to break up with him. Gillian is insulted that he would say that -- she's there to take Jake back HOME so she can break up with him! Adrian then says "Yeah, let's not do this right now, okay?" Well, YOU'RE the one who brought it up!

Jake tells Erica the party has to be called off because he's been exposed to and is coming down with a TERRIBLE and very CONTAGIOUS disease! LOD from Erica: "And the bad news is ...?" Leo doesn't miss a beat before saying: "I'm NOT going to die."

I LOVE how Stuart keeps referring to Arlene as Annie Oakley :-)

[NOTE (2/22/11):  The reason for Stuart doing so was because Arlene wanted to be incognito and "blend in" in Nevada.  Her solution was to dress like this:

If R&G don't want to hurt Jake just yet, why do they keep professing their undying love to each other with every other breath?

I cracked up after Arlene locked Stuart in the attic and he said: "I'll wait here!"

Robin "will Stuart flash back to when ADAM used to keep him there?" Coutellier

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