Friday, February 25, 2011

2000: BC - Tue, 12/26/00

Why did Tad and Dixie stop at the Valley Inn on their way home from a hotel (not to mention shopping) in New York? How did the boys get home ahead of them? Has Jack been standing in the Valley Inn lobby all this time?

Where did Bianca's bathrobe materialize from, Santa Claus?

Quick, someone kick the CD-player in the tower -- it's STUCK! And while you're wielding your steel-toed boots, send some kicks in the direction of Ryan and Gillian. What a couple of putzes!

How did all those Christmas carolers get past Erica's personal security guards? Oh, wait, it's Opal and her entourage. So, like I said ...

Did anyone else think of Cristina Crawford in the movie "Mommie Dearest" when Bianca was telling Erica that she wasn't the only person in the room? The words that come to my mind are: "Because I am NOT--ONE--OF--YOUR--FAAAAAAANNNNNSSS!!!!!" The scenes with Bianca and Erica were riveting! I felt so bad for BOTH of them! Erica is being completely thoughtless as far as Bianca's feelings go, but her EXTREME denial is fascinating to watch.

Now, we all knew immediately (as did Tad) that the crystal champagne glass was from Leslie, but did Dixie really swallow the story of a vendor sending it to Tad -- at his PARENT'S house?

Robin "oops -- does anyone have a broom and dustpan?" Coutellier

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