Bianca to Leo: "I have to get to New York! Will you help me?" Leo: "Yeah, sure. What's in New York City?" Bianca: "Sarah."
Shannon to Erica: "Bianca's not in school -- I'm pretty sure she's going to New York ALONE."
Tad and Leslie passionately make out on the USS Fidelity.
Marian to Adam: "I never actually saw you kill Arlene -- you were covering up for HALEY, weren't you?"
David says he doesn't like the heart arrhythmia that Dixie had. She says it wasn't nearly as bad as the one that got her there in the first place, and she thinks THAT was due to something she had on the yacht. David paces and Dixie pesters him to let her go home. He leaves the room and walks over to a nearby nurses' station to melodramatically rue his actions on the yacht, seeming not to care about his oh-so-precious reputation. Leslie walks up and teases him about having a bad day. He tells her Dixie was admitted the night before. Leslie: "Yeah, I heard. Heart trouble, right? [hopefully] Is it terminal?" He stares at her.
David is not amused by her remark and she say she was just joking. She doesn't want Dixie Martin dead, but she DOES want her distracted by her cardiologist -- it will make things easier for her relationship with Tad. David scoffs at her use of the word "relationship". She tells him about Tad calling and asking to meet her at the boathouse. When he asks what Tad wanted, Leslie says: "He told me that I was beautiful and brilliant but that he's scared to leave Dixie." She seems to believe her twist on the story. David: "Did Tad actually say that?" Leslie: "More or less. I mean, his guilt meter is on high, but I'm working on that." He inquires as to the time she needs to snag Tad and she asks how long Dixie will be in the hospital. He doesn't know and changes the subject to ask why she's there. She says one of her clients is in the Psych Ward, having been found dancing naked in the fountain at the PV Inn, and the husband wants to sue, so Leslie is there to take her statement. David nonchalantly says that they've run toxicology tests and they all came back negative. Leslie wants to run MORE tests -- this could get BIG -- class action big! David oh-so-casually offers to run the tests for her and interpret the results. Leslie: "Is that so I keep my mouth shut about your plans to bed my lover's wife? Listen, forget about it, David. You don't owe me anything. It's been my PLEASURE." She walks away and David again puts his head in his hands as he shakes it in frustration at his predicament.
He walks into Dixie's room. Dixie is looking wan and there are dark circles under her eyes (but her hair is still perfectly curled in a tousled kind of way). She gives him a "look". Sounding like a hubby, he says: "WHAT? What it is? She demands to know if he's going to let her out of there. He grimaces and shifts his weight as he stares at her, then says he's keeping her there one more night for observation. A nurse walks in and cheerily asks if Mrs. Martin is getting sprung today. When David says Dixie will be staying another night, the nurse incredulously asks why. Predictably, David asks her to step outside. Once outside the room, he lambastes her for contradicting a doctor right in front of his patient -- he could have her job for that! The nurse bites her lip as he keeps her from apologizing. He storms back into the room and apologizes to Dixie. She says the NURSE seems to think she's okay. He says he's the DOCTOR -- he may be conservative on this issue, but Tad would have his head if he let her go when she was not completely over whatever it is that caused this episode. Dixie thanks him for respecting what her marriage means to her. David becomes tight-lipped.
David asks if she told Tad everything that had happened between them. She says yes, she told him about the two kisses. Tad as hurt, but he doesn't hold her to higher standards than he holds himself (flutter, flutter). He asks about Tad's slips in the past. Dixie says they've worked through all that and it won't happen again. They go back and forth as to whether he WOULD slip again. Dixie says they can't go through that again and Tad knows where she stands. David looks satisifed. They joke about Tad being a lifer and how David might be a lifer, too, someday if he meets the right woman. Ha, ha, ha ...
Liza and Tad are dining while Bob Dylan music plays on the jukebox. She tries to get him to notice the 50-ton diamond on her hand, but he's preoccupied and doesn't take the bait. She finally just tells him. He remains quiet and not particularly interested. She wonders why he's not lambasting her or telling her it's the biggest mistake of her life. Tad says if THAT's the biggest mistake of her life, she's lucky. She stares at him.
Hayley charges in and practically knocks over a greeter who is just asking for it, since he's standing about 2" from the entrance to forcibly greet anyone who happens to poke their nose in the door. Apparently she was going to meet with Mr. Green (Axel?), but he has sent his regrets (must have a hot square-dance date). Hayley sits at the bar and stares at an idle glass of wine. Mateo walks in and says he was worried about her. He keeps eyeing the glass of wine and sees HER eyeing it. He says he knows he's not with The Program and can't be her sponsor, but can he help? Is she okay? She says no, she's NOT.
Hayley can't take her eyes off the wineglass as she says she knows she didn't kill her mother, but the thing that's got her so rattled and upset is that she WANTED to kill her and TRIED to. Mateo says anyone WOULD feel that way at that moment -- the point is that she DIDN'T do it. She asks if he understands why she NEEDS to find her mother and see her. He says he wants her to find the peace that she needs to stay sober [because no one likes a sloppy drunk]. They leave to talk to Adam [now THERE'S a peaceful interlude to look forward to].
Liza tells Tad that he almost NEVER makes a decision he regrets [does she even know to whom she is speaking?] What did he do? He says he didn't do anything -- Dixie's in the hospital and it's a rough time, that's all. Liza points out that Dixie is going to be all right, so what's the problem [I'm still wondering why Tad left Dixie to meet Liza at BJs] He grouses that David is her doctor again. She asks if something happened on the yacht between Dixie and David. He says no. Liza: "Well, then, you seriously have to let this go. I mean, she's admitted she made a mistake, that she was wrong. It was a little tiny mistake. Can't you let it go?" Tad: "No."
Liza tells him to stop being a Neanderthal about one little kiss -- for God's sake he CHEATED on Dixie with HER! Tad appears to be biting his tongue as she points out that Dixie STILL came back to him. Tad says it was with the express understanding that history would not repeat itself. Tad stares off into space as Liza continues to rant about it being a stupid little kiss. Noticing his look, she asks if it IS Dixie and David that they are talking about. He gives her a guilty sidelong look and she self-righteously demands to know what he did.
Tad folds his napkin and tries not to burp as he denies doing anything. Liza reminds him of whom he is talking to. He KNOWS she'll find out what it was, so why doesn't he just TELL her [what a nag! Why are they friends again?] He gets up to leave, saying he has to go visit Dixie and they rush out, leaving the food completely untouched [which makes me wonder why he looked like he had to burp]. [FACJ BJS ON] Hey! We serve substantial portions at BJs, and no one walks away unsatisified (unless you're an alcoholic who can't stop drooling over our fine wines)! Get back here and finish your meal -- you can at least START it! There are starving children in Africa, you know!" [FAC BJS OFF] Astonishingly, they do NOT run into Leslie on their way out!
Adam fumes as he watches TV: 300 news channels and NO NEWS! [welcome to OUR world] Marian says what he's REALLY thinking, i.e., what, no reports of washed up bodies on the beach? She says they have a problem -- she can't lie to her husband! He tells her she has no choice. They point out to each other that they will BOTH go to prison if word of this gets out. Adam says that, even worse, Hayley would spend the rest of her life knowing that she murdered her OWN MOTHER! [I don't know about Hayley, but I know WE wouldn't be able to stand it] Marian says that, since he told Hayley that Arlene was still alive, she'll be spending the rest of her life trying to find her. Adam says that if he hadn't thrown Arlene overboard, Hayley would be in PRISON right now [putting too fine a point on it, she would be in JAIL right now -- prison comes later :-)] Marian vehemently suggest that this whole thing is going to blow up in their faces. Adam looks at her as if he has no idea what she's talking about.
Marian tells Adam how she used to forge her mother's signature to get out of things -- she was good at it then, and she'll be good at it now. Except her mother didn't dot her i's with little smiley faces. Marian determinedly says she's going to make this work, though, for their daughters.
The doorbell rings and Adam yells a warning to Marian about Hayley's car being in the drive. Marian is now off-camera. Hayley and Mateo walk in. Hayley says she had to use her key because no one was answering the door [the door to the mansion of a multi-billionaire is LOCKED? Who would've thunk it?] Hayley hems and haws a little as she asks him to help her find her mom. She says she feels that her sobriety is at stake and if she doesn't make it her highest priority, the rest of her life will just fall to pieces. He happily says he thinks he CAN help her - - something just arrived. He leaves the room to fetch it.
Adam returns to the room bearing a special delivery letter from Arlene to Hayley. Adam: "She was in Amsterdam when she mailed that. God knows where she is now." [Wow, that Arlene sure is a strong swimmer! My guess is that she has a wicked breaststroke and dogpaddle] Hayley sniffles pitifully as she reads it out loud: "Hayley, I am so ashamed of myself. I hope you will find it in your heart to forgive and forget. But I know that may be too much to ask. I did such unforgivable things, especially on the yacht the other night. Well, I don't blame you for going for my throat. I deserved it. So don't beat yourself up. I think it's better if you forget about me. Don't try to find me. Be happy. If I can get help someday, I'll try to reach you again. I love you, baby. Mama." Adam asks if she can do what Arlene asked. Hayley's mouth is a thin line as her face quivers -- she looks like a starving orphan in an early silent movie. [Mateo misunderstands and throws some pennies at her]
Hayley notes that Arlene doesn't want to be found. She leaves to put some cold water on her face. Mateo thinks it's amazing timing that the letter appears right when Hayley rushes over to ask Adam to help find Arlene, even though Mateo knows that Adam does NOT want her to find Arlene. Kind of lets Adam off the hook, doesn't it? Adam feigns innocence of being on any kind of hook with his daughter. Mateo notes there is no postmark or return address. Adam and I both point out that it was in a package. He reiterates that he told Arlene at the boathouse how devastated Hayley was over the whole thing. Even Arlene was affected, and she wrote this let-- Mateo says Arlene didn't write a thing -- ADAM wrote it.
Erica paces and shrills to Jack that she has no idea where Bianca is. She's not answering her cell phone. Jack elicits more info, i.e., the kiddies were going to go to New York with Leo as a chaperone, but someone at the high school (Shannon) told her that Bianca went to NY *ALONE*! [I'm distracted by the fact that Erica's chest appears to be caving in -- if her breastbones stick out anymore than they do, I'm concerned a couple of people might grab each arm and make a wish] She wails that Laura LIED to her about everything and Leo is with that dreadful Greenlee Smythe and, and!!! Jackson tells her to relax, Bianca can take care of herself. Erica: "Oh, don't think that she doesn't BELIEVE that!" She starts to cry as Jack says: "Isn't that a GOOD thing?" Erica: "Not if she's RUN AWAY!
Jackson asks why Erica would think that and she fills him in on Sarah's call the night before and how she had ripped Sara a new one for stealing Bianca's boyfriend. Jackson asks if Bianca knows about it and, if so, how did she take it? Erica that she told Bianca because she didn't want her to worry about that girl bothering her anymore. She says that Bianca would LIKE to think that Sarah is her FRIEND, but Erica KNOWS better. He wonders if Bianca called Sarah back, but Erica says she didn't take her number. He fiddles with the CallerID device, pointing out that the number would be there. Erica looks horrified at the thought. He checks for the last calls, thinking they can get Sarah's phone number and call her to see if she's heard from Bianca, but there's nothing stored. Did Erica erase it? No. Leo wouldn't have because he has his own cell phone [who pays for THAT?] and Coral doesn't know how to erase ANYTHING :-) Why would Bianca erase the number, though?
Jackson says he thinks that Bianca had a strong reaction to the way Erica handled the call from Sarah. Erica: "What's THAT supposed to mean?" He says that he thinks she got the number from CallerID and then erased it and arranged to meet her friend. Erica rushes up the stairs to retrieve Bianca's address book as Jack yells at her about invading Bianca's privacy. She pays no attention to him whatsoever and he throws his hands up in futility, asking why he even TRIES. Erica whizzes back into the room, swaying her daughter is 16 and missing -- there's no such thing as privacy anymore -- she's out there and Erica has to FIND HER!! Jack says he doesn't think Bianca is out there alone.
Erica ignores Jack and dials the phone. It is answered by a woman who identifies herself as Jennifer Livingston after Erica identifies her own self. Mrs. Livingston looks a little like Stockard Channing. Erica says Bianca used to be friends with Sarah and Mrs. L snaps out: "I know." Erica: "I'm looking for my daughter, and I would like to speak with Sarah to see if --" Mrs. L: "Bianca and Sarah are no longer in contact with one another." Erica: "Yes, I'm well aware of that, Mrs. L, but your daughter Sarah called here last night." Mrs. L: "What?" Erica: "Yes. I spoke with her." Mrs. L: "Did Bianca speak with her?" Erica: "No, no --" Mrs. L: "Because I've forbidden that!" Erica: "Excuse me?" Mrs. L: "Sarah is to have nothing to do with your daughter again." Erica: "I beg your pardon?" Mrs. L: "My daughter was vulnerable and impressionable, and your daughter took advantage of that, so the friendship ended." Erica: "What on earth are you saying?" Mrs. L: "Nothing. As far as I'm concerned, there's nothing left to say." Erica: "Look, I don't know what this is all about, but I need to speak with Sarah to find out if she knows where Bianca might have gone in New York." Mrs. L: "Your daughter's in New York City?" Erica: "I think so, yes. So could you please put Sarah on?" Mrs. L: "Sarah is in New York, at the Winslow. Now, if your daughter is with Sarah, I would appreciate it if you would go get her and keep her away for good this time!" [I notice that Mrs. L has the same sheer, light coral curtains that are in Sarah's hotel room in New York. Sarah's sweater, BTW, is a deep coral color. Hmmm, someone's been taking a little more than just the towels. Mrs. L slams down the phone. Erica has a fit about Mrs. L's rudeness. As she rants about how Mrs. L had the audacity to speak to her like that and about her darling BIANCA being the BAD INFLUENCE, of all things, she gathers up her stuff and demands to know if Jack is coming with her to New York. He quickly follows her out the door.
Bianca gets off the elevator and knocks on the closest hotel room door (#320) [man, Sarah won't be able to get ANY sleep next to the elevator!] The door is opened by a pretty, wholesome-looking blonde. Bianca breathes out a joyous: "Sarah!" Sarah is surprised and asks what she's doing there (she really wants to know). Bianca says her mother told her that Sarah had called. Sara is again surprised -- she had tried to leave a message, but ... Bianca apologizes for Erica being so weird on the phone. Sarah ruefully points out that Erica thinks she stole Bianca's boyfriend. Bianca says that, regardless of what her mother thinks, SHE was really happy to hear from her. Gulping and squinching up her eyebrows, Bianca says it's good to see her and that she's missed her. Sarah invites her in, looking down in trepidation. Bianca enters and Sarah closes the door.
Bianca asks why Sarah called. Apparently both Bianca and Sarah keep in touch with someone named Trudy at the clinic -- Trudy told Sarah about Bianca's father dying. Bianca quavers that it was REALLY hard. Sarah offers heartfelt condolences and talks about what a great person Travis was -- not like HER parents. She knows how hard it must be on Bianca. Bianca tries not to cry as she says a part of YOU dies, too. Sarah gives a slight, sympathetic smile, looks down and puts a finger to her mouth as she gets uncomfortable and walks away. Bianca turns, wiping a tear and bursts out that she had called Sarah when she was there in Seattle for the funeral. Sarah, warily (through a mirror): "Yeah? You left a message?" Bianca says no and now it's Sarah's turn to gulp as she says: "Why?" Bianca whispers that Sarah had made it pretty clear ... Bianca sniffles and wipes some snot away as she gets more assertive, reminding Sarah that she told Bianca in a LETTER that she didn't want to talk to her anymore! Sarah agrees that it was a pretty rotten thing to-- Bianca: "Break up with someone you love? You know, I kept telling myself that you didn't mean it, that there had to be some reason. I made up a thousand excuses in my head -- that someone made you, that -- that you had some reason and you were going to tell me someday when we together --" Sarah says Bianca has NO IDEA how it was for her when she came home to Boston. Her mother laid into her right away, asking a thousand questions about why Bianca was writing to her ALL THE TIME! Bianca: "And you told her?" Sarah shakes her head as she says: "I didn't have to. She found one of your letters, Bianca. She knows all about us." [What kind of stuff was Bianca putting in that letter? Bianca's letter: My dearest Sarah, I love you so, I can't live without you. I remember how your silken hair felt against my hot, naked skin and how you throbbed when I put my [insert Sarah's mother screaming here] And then ... and then ...] Bianca is speechless [but her mouth is closed]
Sarah tells Bianca that her mother called her (Bianca) all sorts of names and says she must have brainwashed Sarah. Bianca sputters in consternation and asks if Sarah told her mother that it wasn't like that. Sarah: "Bianca, how could I? I told you what she was like. Nothing would have ever been the same if I'd told her the truth. She probably would have had me committed." Sarah, who is sitting on the bed, looks down unhappily. Bianca sighs and plops herself down next to her, saying she wished Sarah had told her. Sarah's voice breaks as she says she couldn't take that chance. Bianca: "What chance?" Sarah: "Don't do this, Bianca, ok? It's better this way." Bianca: "Better than what we planned? Sarah, we were going to be together --" Sarah: "Bianca --" Bianca: "Forever. You said it to me, too!" Sarah: "I didn't know, ok?" Bianca: "You didn't know what?" Sarah: "That it would be -- that it would be this impossible! We were both scared and alone, away from our families." Bianca: "We weren't scared and alone when we were together. That's when all the scary stuff would stop, Sarah. I never thought I could feel so much. I was always on the outside of everything looking in. And then -- and then we got together and I stopped feeling that way for the first time in my whole life! Sarah, I could NEVER have gotten through rehab without you!" Sarah: "You don't get it!" Bianca: "No, I mean it, Sarah." Sarah: "You don't get it. You got me through the program. It wasn't the other way around. I thought I was nothing. I was sure that if people saw me, that if they just looked inside of me, that they would go away. You looked and you stayed. You made me feel beautiful and special, and I'll never forget that." Bianca: "You are beautiful and you -- you are more special than anybody in the world to me, Sarah. I LOVE you! And I -- I know you're scared. God, so am I!" Sarah: "You don't understand!" Bianca: "I totally understand! I totally understand, Sarah, it's ok!" Bianca wheedles: "Nobody has to know! It can be just the two of us, the way it was when it was just you and me!" Sarah: "No, it's too late!" Bianca: "WHY? Why is it too late?" A hunky guy named Ian walks in. He's surprised, but pleased, that Sarah's friend is visiting. Is Bianca going to be in the wedding? Bianca is stupified and tries to absorb this new information as Sarah nails the point home: Ian is her fiance.
Bianca stumbles over her words as she stands and finally gets out that she's not going to be in the wedding. Sarah asks Ian to go to the printer's to pick up the invitations. He asks if everything is okay and she reassures him that they just get a little emotional when they talk about their time at Fairview. Bianca sits on the bed again. He leaves and Sarah profusely apologizes for Bianca finding out this way -- that's way she tried to call her last night. They will be married on Valentines Day. Bianca asks if Sarah loves him. Sarah falls to her knees and tells her that her MOTHER loves Ian and her father does too. Bianca whispers: "Do you tell him that you love him ... they way you used to tell me?" Sarah shakes her head as Bianca, in deep pain, watches her.
Sarah gets back on her feet and whines to Bianca, asking her why she is making it so hard! Does she think it's easy for HER? They are both crying now. Bianca tells her that she can't marry someone just to prove a point to her parents! Sarah mouths some platitudes that are clearly coming from her mother, saying they weren't in the real world at the clinic, they didn't know what they were getting themselves into! Bianca: "Oh, is that -- is that why you were looking at catalogues for schools in the Pacific Northwest so that you could be near me while I still finished high school?" Sarah: "I wasn't thinking straight!" [snicker] Kicking her whine-mode into high gear, Bianca asks what Sarah's mother DID to her when she read Bianca's letter? Sarah says her mother did nothing, NOTHING! Bianca: "Did she tell you to get married?" Sarah says that it's easier. Bianca doesn't know -- she's NOT Sarah! Bianca: "No. But I know you better than he does, don't I? Sarah -- what are you going to do when it's just you and your husband and you don't feel anything? Look, I know what it's like when you have a mom who talks about boys and dating and plans your wedding -- my mom had my wedding planned since before I was born!" Sarah: "And you still haven't told her you're gay, have you? What are you waiting for, Bianca? The right time? There ISN'T a right time. Trust me." Bianca whispers: "Do you want me to tell her? I will." Sarah asks what that would prove. Bianca says she doesn't know -- that she CARES about her -- more than she can say! Sarah: "This isn't about you. It's not about you. It's what I need to do to live the kind of life that I want to live for myself!" Bianca: "You want to live a lie?" Sarah: "I want not to FIGHT!" Bianca: "So your mother gets to be happy and your father gets to be happy. When do YOU get to be happy, Sarah?" Sarah cries: "I don't."
Bianca continues to mostly whispers. She can't stand the thought of Sarah not being happy for the rest of her life. Her father left her a LOT of money -- they could live on it for a LONG time. It's not impossible -- she can MAKE this happen! Sarah says she'll have everything she wants in life and more, without any worries -- with Ian. Bianca: "Oh, Sarah, come ON! Don't be afraid because it's different. We're different. We're once in a LIFETIME. Look, just don't do this! Don't -- don't get married! It's not going to make you somebody else! I love you, Sarah -- you KNOW that! I can make this happen for us. Sarah, you don't have to do anything. All you have to do is come with ME!" Sarah looks undecided. Bianca looks miserable. There's a sharp knock at the door. [Who could THAT be?] Sarah says it's Ian -- PLEASE just don't say anything! Bianca cries and puts her face in her hands, looking downright suicidal. Sarah opens the door. Why it's Erica and Jackson! Erica looks briefly at Sarah, then ignores her and rushes into the room, calling Bianca's name when she sees her crying. Erica (NOT hysterically): "Bianca, what happened? What did this horrible girl do to you?" Bianca looks up at her as if she's drowning but isn't sure if she should sink or swim.
Tad comes into Dixie's (empty) room with flowers. He turns at the sound of the door opening. Leslie pops in, quickly closes the door and leans seductively against it. He asks what she's doing there and she boldly says she was waiting for him.
Adam can't believe Mateo thinks he wrote the letter. Mateo corrects him, saying he thinks Adam MADE someone forge the letter -- someone who obviously doesn't know Arlene. Adam: "That's rubbish!" Mateo cuts through the crap and says he KNOWS Adam did it -- just tell him what the hell he is up to! The doorbell sounds and Adam gets up to answer it, asking Mateo not to say anything to Hayley if she comes back into the room. Don't take this away from her! Not if he loves her as much as he says he does. Mateo rubs his eyes and nose. Adam answers the door. It's a stranger who says he was on the yacht the other night. He ran the launch taking people to and from the dock. He found this purse floating in the water. It says it belongs to Mrs. Adam Chandler. [she had a PURSE with her when Adam picked her up and threw her overboard -- where did she stash it? Uh ... never mind. Do you think they'll find the Bentley?] Has she been looking for this. Adam flashes back to picking up the purse and tossing it in after Arlene. Back in the present, he says yes, takes it and pays the man a substantial amount of cash, hesitating, then adding even more asking the man to never mention it again since his wife was a little drunk at the time. Adam smiles like he's hosting an AmWay presentation. Mateo walks into the foyer and asks where Arlene is and what happened to her on that boat. He seems much more interested in goading Adam than in eliciting any actual information.
Leslie to Tad (in Dixie's hospital room): "I have a surprise for you. Do you want to see it?" Dixie opens the door and innocently says: "I would." Tad's eyes widen as he looks back and forth between them.
Mateo to Adam: "What don't you want the police to find out about your wife?" Adam looks stoic.
Erica sternly says to Bianca: "I want an explanation, and I want it NOW." Sarah jumps in: "FINE!! I'll tell you EVERYTHING!"
Irreverently submitted,
Robin "easily imagining the conversation between Sarah and Bianca happening between Ryan and Gillian, with not NEARLY as much believability" Coutellier
Bianca to Leo: "I have to get to New York! Will you help me?" Leo: "Yeah, sure. What's in New York City?" Bianca: "Sarah."
Shannon to Erica: "Bianca's not in school -- I'm pretty sure she's going to New York ALONE."
Tad and Leslie passionately make out on the USS Fidelity.
Marian to Adam: "I never actually saw you kill Arlene -- you were covering up for HALEY, weren't you?"
David says he doesn't like the heart arrhythmia that Dixie had. She says it wasn't nearly as bad as the one that got her there in the first place, and she thinks THAT was due to something she had on the yacht. David paces and Dixie pesters him to let her go home. He leaves the room and walks over to a nearby nurses' station to melodramatically rue his actions on the yacht, seeming not to care about his oh-so-precious reputation. Leslie walks up and teases him about having a bad day. He tells her Dixie was admitted the night before. Leslie: "Yeah, I heard. Heart trouble, right? [hopefully] Is it terminal?" He stares at her.
David is not amused by her remark and she say she was just joking. She doesn't want Dixie Martin dead, but she DOES want her distracted by her cardiologist -- it will make things easier for her relationship with Tad. David scoffs at her use of the word "relationship". She tells him about Tad calling and asking to meet her at the boathouse. When he asks what Tad wanted, Leslie says: "He told me that I was beautiful and brilliant but that he's scared to leave Dixie." She seems to believe her twist on the story. David: "Did Tad actually say that?" Leslie: "More or less. I mean, his guilt meter is on high, but I'm working on that." He inquires as to the time she needs to snag Tad and she asks how long Dixie will be in the hospital. He doesn't know and changes the subject to ask why she's there. She says one of her clients is in the Psych Ward, having been found dancing naked in the fountain at the PV Inn, and the husband wants to sue, so Leslie is there to take her statement. David nonchalantly says that they've run toxicology tests and they all came back negative. Leslie wants to run MORE tests -- this could get BIG -- class action big! David oh-so-casually offers to run the tests for her and interpret the results. Leslie: "Is that so I keep my mouth shut about your plans to bed my lover's wife? Listen, forget about it, David. You don't owe me anything. It's been my PLEASURE." She walks away and David again puts his head in his hands as he shakes it in frustration at his predicament.
He walks into Dixie's room. Dixie is looking wan and there are dark circles under her eyes (but her hair is still perfectly curled in a tousled kind of way). She gives him a "look". Sounding like a hubby, he says: "WHAT? What it is? She demands to know if he's going to let her out of there. He grimaces and shifts his weight as he stares at her, then says he's keeping her there one more night for observation. A nurse walks in and cheerily asks if Mrs. Martin is getting sprung today. When David says Dixie will be staying another night, the nurse incredulously asks why. Predictably, David asks her to step outside. Once outside the room, he lambastes her for contradicting a doctor right in front of his patient -- he could have her job for that! The nurse bites her lip as he keeps her from apologizing. He storms back into the room and apologizes to Dixie. She says the NURSE seems to think she's okay. He says he's the DOCTOR -- he may be conservative on this issue, but Tad would have his head if he let her go when she was not completely over whatever it is that caused this episode. Dixie thanks him for respecting what her marriage means to her. David becomes tight-lipped.
David asks if she told Tad everything that had happened between them. She says yes, she told him about the two kisses. Tad as hurt, but he doesn't hold her to higher standards than he holds himself (flutter, flutter). He asks about Tad's slips in the past. Dixie says they've worked through all that and it won't happen again. They go back and forth as to whether he WOULD slip again. Dixie says they can't go through that again and Tad knows where she stands. David looks satisifed. They joke about Tad being a lifer and how David might be a lifer, too, someday if he meets the right woman. Ha, ha, ha ...
Liza and Tad are dining while Bob Dylan music plays on the jukebox. She tries to get him to notice the 50-ton diamond on her hand, but he's preoccupied and doesn't take the bait. She finally just tells him. He remains quiet and not particularly interested. She wonders why he's not lambasting her or telling her it's the biggest mistake of her life. Tad says if THAT's the biggest mistake of her life, she's lucky. She stares at him.
Hayley charges in and practically knocks over a greeter who is just asking for it, since he's standing about 2" from the entrance to forcibly greet anyone who happens to poke their nose in the door. Apparently she was going to meet with Mr. Green (Axel?), but he has sent his regrets (must have a hot square-dance date). Hayley sits at the bar and stares at an idle glass of wine. Mateo walks in and says he was worried about her. He keeps eyeing the glass of wine and sees HER eyeing it. He says he knows he's not with The Program and can't be her sponsor, but can he help? Is she okay? She says no, she's NOT.
Hayley can't take her eyes off the wineglass as she says she knows she didn't kill her mother, but the thing that's got her so rattled and upset is that she WANTED to kill her and TRIED to. Mateo says anyone WOULD feel that way at that moment -- the point is that she DIDN'T do it. She asks if he understands why she NEEDS to find her mother and see her. He says he wants her to find the peace that she needs to stay sober [because no one likes a sloppy drunk]. They leave to talk to Adam [now THERE'S a peaceful interlude to look forward to].
Liza tells Tad that he almost NEVER makes a decision he regrets [does she even know to whom she is speaking?] What did he do? He says he didn't do anything -- Dixie's in the hospital and it's a rough time, that's all. Liza points out that Dixie is going to be all right, so what's the problem [I'm still wondering why Tad left Dixie to meet Liza at BJs] He grouses that David is her doctor again. She asks if something happened on the yacht between Dixie and David. He says no. Liza: "Well, then, you seriously have to let this go. I mean, she's admitted she made a mistake, that she was wrong. It was a little tiny mistake. Can't you let it go?" Tad: "No."
Liza tells him to stop being a Neanderthal about one little kiss -- for God's sake he CHEATED on Dixie with HER! Tad appears to be biting his tongue as she points out that Dixie STILL came back to him. Tad says it was with the express understanding that history would not repeat itself. Tad stares off into space as Liza continues to rant about it being a stupid little kiss. Noticing his look, she asks if it IS Dixie and David that they are talking about. He gives her a guilty sidelong look and she self-righteously demands to know what he did.
Tad folds his napkin and tries not to burp as he denies doing anything. Liza reminds him of whom he is talking to. He KNOWS she'll find out what it was, so why doesn't he just TELL her [what a nag! Why are they friends again?] He gets up to leave, saying he has to go visit Dixie and they rush out, leaving the food completely untouched [which makes me wonder why he looked like he had to burp]. [FACJ BJS ON] Hey! We serve substantial portions at BJs, and no one walks away unsatisified (unless you're an alcoholic who can't stop drooling over our fine wines)! Get back here and finish your meal -- you can at least START it! There are starving children in Africa, you know!" [FAC BJS OFF] Astonishingly, they do NOT run into Leslie on their way out!
Adam fumes as he watches TV: 300 news channels and NO NEWS! [welcome to OUR world] Marian says what he's REALLY thinking, i.e., what, no reports of washed up bodies on the beach? She says they have a problem -- she can't lie to her husband! He tells her she has no choice. They point out to each other that they will BOTH go to prison if word of this gets out. Adam says that, even worse, Hayley would spend the rest of her life knowing that she murdered her OWN MOTHER! [I don't know about Hayley, but I know WE wouldn't be able to stand it] Marian says that, since he told Hayley that Arlene was still alive, she'll be spending the rest of her life trying to find her. Adam says that if he hadn't thrown Arlene overboard, Hayley would be in PRISON right now [putting too fine a point on it, she would be in JAIL right now -- prison comes later :-)] Marian vehemently suggest that this whole thing is going to blow up in their faces. Adam looks at her as if he has no idea what she's talking about.
Marian tells Adam how she used to forge her mother's signature to get out of things -- she was good at it then, and she'll be good at it now. Except her mother didn't dot her i's with little smiley faces. Marian determinedly says she's going to make this work, though, for their daughters.
The doorbell rings and Adam yells a warning to Marian about Hayley's car being in the drive. Marian is now off-camera. Hayley and Mateo walk in. Hayley says she had to use her key because no one was answering the door [the door to the mansion of a multi-billionaire is LOCKED? Who would've thunk it?] Hayley hems and haws a little as she asks him to help her find her mom. She says she feels that her sobriety is at stake and if she doesn't make it her highest priority, the rest of her life will just fall to pieces. He happily says he thinks he CAN help her - - something just arrived. He leaves the room to fetch it.
Adam returns to the room bearing a special delivery letter from Arlene to Hayley. Adam: "She was in Amsterdam when she mailed that. God knows where she is now." [Wow, that Arlene sure is a strong swimmer! My guess is that she has a wicked breaststroke and dogpaddle] Hayley sniffles pitifully as she reads it out loud: "Hayley, I am so ashamed of myself. I hope you will find it in your heart to forgive and forget. But I know that may be too much to ask. I did such unforgivable things, especially on the yacht the other night. Well, I don't blame you for going for my throat. I deserved it. So don't beat yourself up. I think it's better if you forget about me. Don't try to find me. Be happy. If I can get help someday, I'll try to reach you again. I love you, baby. Mama." Adam asks if she can do what Arlene asked. Hayley's mouth is a thin line as her face quivers -- she looks like a starving orphan in an early silent movie. [Mateo misunderstands and throws some pennies at her]
Hayley notes that Arlene doesn't want to be found. She leaves to put some cold water on her face. Mateo thinks it's amazing timing that the letter appears right when Hayley rushes over to ask Adam to help find Arlene, even though Mateo knows that Adam does NOT want her to find Arlene. Kind of lets Adam off the hook, doesn't it? Adam feigns innocence of being on any kind of hook with his daughter. Mateo notes there is no postmark or return address. Adam and I both point out that it was in a package. He reiterates that he told Arlene at the boathouse how devastated Hayley was over the whole thing. Even Arlene was affected, and she wrote this let-- Mateo says Arlene didn't write a thing -- ADAM wrote it.
Erica paces and shrills to Jack that she has no idea where Bianca is. She's not answering her cell phone. Jack elicits more info, i.e., the kiddies were going to go to New York with Leo as a chaperone, but someone at the high school (Shannon) told her that Bianca went to NY *ALONE*! [I'm distracted by the fact that Erica's chest appears to be caving in -- if her breastbones stick out anymore than they do, I'm concerned a couple of people might grab each arm and make a wish] She wails that Laura LIED to her about everything and Leo is with that dreadful Greenlee Smythe and, and!!! Jackson tells her to relax, Bianca can take care of herself. Erica: "Oh, don't think that she doesn't BELIEVE that!" She starts to cry as Jack says: "Isn't that a GOOD thing?" Erica: "Not if she's RUN AWAY!
Jackson asks why Erica would think that and she fills him in on Sarah's call the night before and how she had ripped Sara a new one for stealing Bianca's boyfriend. Jackson asks if Bianca knows about it and, if so, how did she take it? Erica that she told Bianca because she didn't want her to worry about that girl bothering her anymore. She says that Bianca would LIKE to think that Sarah is her FRIEND, but Erica KNOWS better. He wonders if Bianca called Sarah back, but Erica says she didn't take her number. He fiddles with the CallerID device, pointing out that the number would be there. Erica looks horrified at the thought. He checks for the last calls, thinking they can get Sarah's phone number and call her to see if she's heard from Bianca, but there's nothing stored. Did Erica erase it? No. Leo wouldn't have because he has his own cell phone [who pays for THAT?] and Coral doesn't know how to erase ANYTHING :-) Why would Bianca erase the number, though?
Jackson says he thinks that Bianca had a strong reaction to the way Erica handled the call from Sarah. Erica: "What's THAT supposed to mean?" He says that he thinks she got the number from CallerID and then erased it and arranged to meet her friend. Erica rushes up the stairs to retrieve Bianca's address book as Jack yells at her about invading Bianca's privacy. She pays no attention to him whatsoever and he throws his hands up in futility, asking why he even TRIES. Erica whizzes back into the room, swaying her daughter is 16 and missing -- there's no such thing as privacy anymore -- she's out there and Erica has to FIND HER!! Jack says he doesn't think Bianca is out there alone.
Erica ignores Jack and dials the phone. It is answered by a woman who identifies herself as Jennifer Livingston after Erica identifies her own self. Mrs. Livingston looks a little like Stockard Channing. Erica says Bianca used to be friends with Sarah and Mrs. L snaps out: "I know." Erica: "I'm looking for my daughter, and I would like to speak with Sarah to see if --" Mrs. L: "Bianca and Sarah are no longer in contact with one another." Erica: "Yes, I'm well aware of that, Mrs. L, but your daughter Sarah called here last night." Mrs. L: "What?" Erica: "Yes. I spoke with her." Mrs. L: "Did Bianca speak with her?" Erica: "No, no --" Mrs. L: "Because I've forbidden that!" Erica: "Excuse me?" Mrs. L: "Sarah is to have nothing to do with your daughter again." Erica: "I beg your pardon?" Mrs. L: "My daughter was vulnerable and impressionable, and your daughter took advantage of that, so the friendship ended." Erica: "What on earth are you saying?" Mrs. L: "Nothing. As far as I'm concerned, there's nothing left to say." Erica: "Look, I don't know what this is all about, but I need to speak with Sarah to find out if she knows where Bianca might have gone in New York." Mrs. L: "Your daughter's in New York City?" Erica: "I think so, yes. So could you please put Sarah on?" Mrs. L: "Sarah is in New York, at the Winslow. Now, if your daughter is with Sarah, I would appreciate it if you would go get her and keep her away for good this time!" [I notice that Mrs. L has the same sheer, light coral curtains that are in Sarah's hotel room in New York. Sarah's sweater, BTW, is a deep coral color. Hmmm, someone's been taking a little more than just the towels. Mrs. L slams down the phone. Erica has a fit about Mrs. L's rudeness. As she rants about how Mrs. L had the audacity to speak to her like that and about her darling BIANCA being the BAD INFLUENCE, of all things, she gathers up her stuff and demands to know if Jack is coming with her to New York. He quickly follows her out the door.
Bianca gets off the elevator and knocks on the closest hotel room door (#320) [man, Sarah won't be able to get ANY sleep next to the elevator!] The door is opened by a pretty, wholesome-looking blonde. Bianca breathes out a joyous: "Sarah!" Sarah is surprised and asks what she's doing there (she really wants to know). Bianca says her mother told her that Sarah had called. Sara is again surprised -- she had tried to leave a message, but ... Bianca apologizes for Erica being so weird on the phone. Sarah ruefully points out that Erica thinks she stole Bianca's boyfriend. Bianca says that, regardless of what her mother thinks, SHE was really happy to hear from her. Gulping and squinching up her eyebrows, Bianca says it's good to see her and that she's missed her. Sarah invites her in, looking down in trepidation. Bianca enters and Sarah closes the door.
Bianca asks why Sarah called. Apparently both Bianca and Sarah keep in touch with someone named Trudy at the clinic -- Trudy told Sarah about Bianca's father dying. Bianca quavers that it was REALLY hard. Sarah offers heartfelt condolences and talks about what a great person Travis was -- not like HER parents. She knows how hard it must be on Bianca. Bianca tries not to cry as she says a part of YOU dies, too. Sarah gives a slight, sympathetic smile, looks down and puts a finger to her mouth as she gets uncomfortable and walks away. Bianca turns, wiping a tear and bursts out that she had called Sarah when she was there in Seattle for the funeral. Sarah, warily (through a mirror): "Yeah? You left a message?" Bianca says no and now it's Sarah's turn to gulp as she says: "Why?" Bianca whispers that Sarah had made it pretty clear ... Bianca sniffles and wipes some snot away as she gets more assertive, reminding Sarah that she told Bianca in a LETTER that she didn't want to talk to her anymore! Sarah agrees that it was a pretty rotten thing to-- Bianca: "Break up with someone you love? You know, I kept telling myself that you didn't mean it, that there had to be some reason. I made up a thousand excuses in my head -- that someone made you, that -- that you had some reason and you were going to tell me someday when we together --" Sarah says Bianca has NO IDEA how it was for her when she came home to Boston. Her mother laid into her right away, asking a thousand questions about why Bianca was writing to her ALL THE TIME! Bianca: "And you told her?" Sarah shakes her head as she says: "I didn't have to. She found one of your letters, Bianca. She knows all about us." [What kind of stuff was Bianca putting in that letter? Bianca's letter: My dearest Sarah, I love you so, I can't live without you. I remember how your silken hair felt against my hot, naked skin and how you throbbed when I put my [insert Sarah's mother screaming here] And then ... and then ...] Bianca is speechless [but her mouth is closed]
Sarah tells Bianca that her mother called her (Bianca) all sorts of names and says she must have brainwashed Sarah. Bianca sputters in consternation and asks if Sarah told her mother that it wasn't like that. Sarah: "Bianca, how could I? I told you what she was like. Nothing would have ever been the same if I'd told her the truth. She probably would have had me committed." Sarah, who is sitting on the bed, looks down unhappily. Bianca sighs and plops herself down next to her, saying she wished Sarah had told her. Sarah's voice breaks as she says she couldn't take that chance. Bianca: "What chance?" Sarah: "Don't do this, Bianca, ok? It's better this way." Bianca: "Better than what we planned? Sarah, we were going to be together --" Sarah: "Bianca --" Bianca: "Forever. You said it to me, too!" Sarah: "I didn't know, ok?" Bianca: "You didn't know what?" Sarah: "That it would be -- that it would be this impossible! We were both scared and alone, away from our families." Bianca: "We weren't scared and alone when we were together. That's when all the scary stuff would stop, Sarah. I never thought I could feel so much. I was always on the outside of everything looking in. And then -- and then we got together and I stopped feeling that way for the first time in my whole life! Sarah, I could NEVER have gotten through rehab without you!" Sarah: "You don't get it!" Bianca: "No, I mean it, Sarah." Sarah: "You don't get it. You got me through the program. It wasn't the other way around. I thought I was nothing. I was sure that if people saw me, that if they just looked inside of me, that they would go away. You looked and you stayed. You made me feel beautiful and special, and I'll never forget that." Bianca: "You are beautiful and you -- you are more special than anybody in the world to me, Sarah. I LOVE you! And I -- I know you're scared. God, so am I!" Sarah: "You don't understand!" Bianca: "I totally understand! I totally understand, Sarah, it's ok!" Bianca wheedles: "Nobody has to know! It can be just the two of us, the way it was when it was just you and me!" Sarah: "No, it's too late!" Bianca: "WHY? Why is it too late?" A hunky guy named Ian walks in. He's surprised, but pleased, that Sarah's friend is visiting. Is Bianca going to be in the wedding? Bianca is stupified and tries to absorb this new information as Sarah nails the point home: Ian is her fiance.
Bianca stumbles over her words as she stands and finally gets out that she's not going to be in the wedding. Sarah asks Ian to go to the printer's to pick up the invitations. He asks if everything is okay and she reassures him that they just get a little emotional when they talk about their time at Fairview. Bianca sits on the bed again. He leaves and Sarah profusely apologizes for Bianca finding out this way -- that's way she tried to call her last night. They will be married on Valentines Day. Bianca asks if Sarah loves him. Sarah falls to her knees and tells her that her MOTHER loves Ian and her father does too. Bianca whispers: "Do you tell him that you love him ... they way you used to tell me?" Sarah shakes her head as Bianca, in deep pain, watches her.
Sarah gets back on her feet and whines to Bianca, asking her why she is making it so hard! Does she think it's easy for HER? They are both crying now. Bianca tells her that she can't marry someone just to prove a point to her parents! Sarah mouths some platitudes that are clearly coming from her mother, saying they weren't in the real world at the clinic, they didn't know what they were getting themselves into! Bianca: "Oh, is that -- is that why you were looking at catalogues for schools in the Pacific Northwest so that you could be near me while I still finished high school?" Sarah: "I wasn't thinking straight!" [snicker] Kicking her whine-mode into high gear, Bianca asks what Sarah's mother DID to her when she read Bianca's letter? Sarah says her mother did nothing, NOTHING! Bianca: "Did she tell you to get married?" Sarah says that it's easier. Bianca doesn't know -- she's NOT Sarah! Bianca: "No. But I know you better than he does, don't I? Sarah -- what are you going to do when it's just you and your husband and you don't feel anything? Look, I know what it's like when you have a mom who talks about boys and dating and plans your wedding -- my mom had my wedding planned since before I was born!" Sarah: "And you still haven't told her you're gay, have you? What are you waiting for, Bianca? The right time? There ISN'T a right time. Trust me." Bianca whispers: "Do you want me to tell her? I will." Sarah asks what that would prove. Bianca says she doesn't know -- that she CARES about her -- more than she can say! Sarah: "This isn't about you. It's not about you. It's what I need to do to live the kind of life that I want to live for myself!" Bianca: "You want to live a lie?" Sarah: "I want not to FIGHT!" Bianca: "So your mother gets to be happy and your father gets to be happy. When do YOU get to be happy, Sarah?" Sarah cries: "I don't."
Bianca continues to mostly whispers. She can't stand the thought of Sarah not being happy for the rest of her life. Her father left her a LOT of money -- they could live on it for a LONG time. It's not impossible -- she can MAKE this happen! Sarah says she'll have everything she wants in life and more, without any worries -- with Ian. Bianca: "Oh, Sarah, come ON! Don't be afraid because it's different. We're different. We're once in a LIFETIME. Look, just don't do this! Don't -- don't get married! It's not going to make you somebody else! I love you, Sarah -- you KNOW that! I can make this happen for us. Sarah, you don't have to do anything. All you have to do is come with ME!" Sarah looks undecided. Bianca looks miserable. There's a sharp knock at the door. [Who could THAT be?] Sarah says it's Ian -- PLEASE just don't say anything! Bianca cries and puts her face in her hands, looking downright suicidal. Sarah opens the door. Why it's Erica and Jackson! Erica looks briefly at Sarah, then ignores her and rushes into the room, calling Bianca's name when she sees her crying. Erica (NOT hysterically): "Bianca, what happened? What did this horrible girl do to you?" Bianca looks up at her as if she's drowning but isn't sure if she should sink or swim.
Tad comes into Dixie's (empty) room with flowers. He turns at the sound of the door opening. Leslie pops in, quickly closes the door and leans seductively against it. He asks what she's doing there and she boldly says she was waiting for him.
Adam can't believe Mateo thinks he wrote the letter. Mateo corrects him, saying he thinks Adam MADE someone forge the letter -- someone who obviously doesn't know Arlene. Adam: "That's rubbish!" Mateo cuts through the crap and says he KNOWS Adam did it -- just tell him what the hell he is up to! The doorbell sounds and Adam gets up to answer it, asking Mateo not to say anything to Hayley if she comes back into the room. Don't take this away from her! Not if he loves her as much as he says he does. Mateo rubs his eyes and nose. Adam answers the door. It's a stranger who says he was on the yacht the other night. He ran the launch taking people to and from the dock. He found this purse floating in the water. It says it belongs to Mrs. Adam Chandler. [she had a PURSE with her when Adam picked her up and threw her overboard -- where did she stash it? Uh ... never mind. Do you think they'll find the Bentley?] Has she been looking for this. Adam flashes back to picking up the purse and tossing it in after Arlene. Back in the present, he says yes, takes it and pays the man a substantial amount of cash, hesitating, then adding even more asking the man to never mention it again since his wife was a little drunk at the time. Adam smiles like he's hosting an AmWay presentation. Mateo walks into the foyer and asks where Arlene is and what happened to her on that boat. He seems much more interested in goading Adam than in eliciting any actual information.
Leslie to Tad (in Dixie's hospital room): "I have a surprise for you. Do you want to see it?" Dixie opens the door and innocently says: "I would." Tad's eyes widen as he looks back and forth between them.
Mateo to Adam: "What don't you want the police to find out about your wife?" Adam looks stoic.
Erica sternly says to Bianca: "I want an explanation, and I want it NOW." Sarah jumps in: "FINE!! I'll tell you EVERYTHING!"
Irreverently submitted,
Robin "easily imagining the conversation between Sarah and Bianca happening between Ryan and Gillian, with not NEARLY as much believability" Coutellier
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